The Future of Mental Health: Big Data and AI at the Forefront of Innovation

A Look at How Big Data and AI Are Transforming Mental Health

Mykola-Bohdan Vynnytskyi
4 min readApr 17, 2023
Photo by Emily Underworld on Unsplash

News about artificial intelligence does not subside. Every day we hear about new models, chats, programs, etc.
Undoubtedly, we are witnessing a new era of artificial intelligence.
The future is building now.

Despite the innovations that have been made over the past decades, human problems have remained unchanged, and although some technologies are created to solve certain problems, others give rise to new ones.
Well, this is the price of progress 🤷‍♂️

Behind artificial intelligence, there is big data that can be learned from, and behind the data, there are always people.
In this article, I would like to talk about mental health and the problems that can and are already being solved with the help of AI

The Current State of Mental Health Care

Unfortunately, even in our age of advanced technology, many people reject the idea of treating mental health illness, as well as its existence as such. While the number of people who have these problems is growing rapidly.

The field of mental health faces many challenges, from the stigma surrounding mental illness to the lack of access to care. While technology has made some progress in addressing these challenges, there is still much work to be done. Traditional treatment methods are often limited and may not be effective for all patients.

The limitations of these methods lie in many areas.
Starting with the connection between the client and the specialist and ending with simple session management.

When the number of clients increases, the specialist has less and less time to pay attention to each one, which definitely affects the quality of treatment.

The Promise of Big Data and AI for Mental Health

Big Data and AI offer the potential to unlock new insights into mental health and transform treatment approaches. These technologies can help mental health professionals to identify patterns and trends in patient data, predict potential problems before they arise, and develop personalized treatment plans based on individual patient needs.

There are already many examples of Big Data and AI being used in the field of mental health. For example, predictive analytics can be used to identify patients who are at risk of developing certain mental health conditions. Machine learning algorithms can be used to analyze patient data and provide recommendations for treatment. Natural language processing can be used to analyze patient conversations and identify key insights that might be missed by traditional diagnostic methods.

Of course, these technologies will not replace professionals, but they are not created for that purpose. The idea is to help specialists in their daily work, to choose the right treatment for everyone individually. Which will undoubtedly improve the care of patients.

One such technology, for example, is Measurme, which we will talk about further.

Case Study: Measurme

Recently, I had the opportunity to be present at the presentation of a leading Ukrainian data-driven start-up Measurme, whose goal is to create a solution that will provide professionals with a valid platform for working with clients.

The basic idea is to use remote monitoring, biometric data from smartphones and watches, social media trends, and activity data to track a client’s progress in treatment powered by AI.

The platform monitors client data in the background and alerts the therapist to developing situations, instead of a reactive approach where a patient’s condition deteriorates to the point of requiring hospitalization.

This product enables specialists to better understand their customers and provide the most relevant assistance at the most needed moment.

In addition, all data is protected and accessible only between the therapist and the client, which brings us to the next point of this article…

The Ethical Implications of Big Data and AI in Mental Health

While the potential benefits of Big Data and AI in mental health are clear, there are also ethical concerns to consider. For example, privacy is a major concern when it comes to collecting and analyzing patient data. There is also the potential for bias to be introduced into algorithms if they are not designed and trained properly.

As we continue to develop and refine Big Data and AI tools, it’s important that we also consider these ethical implications and work to ensure that patients are protected and that the tools we develop are trustworthy.

The Future of Mental Health Care: What’s Next for Big Data and AI?

Looking to the future, there is no doubt that Big Data and AI will continue to play a major role in the field of mental health care.

We can expect to see continued innovation in areas such as predictive analytics, natural language processing, and machine learning.

We can also expect to see the development of new tools and technologies that can help mental health professionals to provide more personalized and effective care to their patients.


Big Data and AI offer a promising new frontier in the field of mental health care. While there are still challenges to be addressed and ethical concerns to be considered, the potential benefits of these technologies are significant. With continued innovation and development, we can work toward a future.

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Mykola-Bohdan Vynnytskyi

Data Engineer by day. YouTuber, author, and creator of courses by night. Passionate about Big Data and self-development.