In Search of Better Horizons

Shared Dreams of Brighter Futures

Mykola-Bohdan Vynnytskyi
5 min readAug 20, 2023
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

What I love most about life is the people in it.
I love listening to others’ stories, understanding them, and finding what resonates within me.
Over the last month, I have met quite a lot of different people, with different views of the world, prejudices, faith, and love, and they have all been wonderful.

The most interesting thing is that all these people are looking for a way out. A way out to a better future. To help loved ones, themself, and the people around them.
In this article, I want to discuss the most common ideas shared by these people and which I hope will help you get back on track and continue to build your own future.

Becoming a Better Version of Yourself

Ah, the age-old cliché that I often whisper to myself in front of the mirror each morning (yes, guilty as charged 😅):

Become the best version of yourself.

We’ve all heard it, right? Some folks despise it, labeling it as trite. Others adore it, embracing its wisdom. Then there are those who use it to peddle webinars and books — a mixed bag, really 🤷‍♂️.
But here’s the kicker — it’s not just about the words, it’s about the essence they hold.

This notion isn’t just about mouthing the phrase, it’s about embodying the spirit it encapsulates. It’s about perpetual movement, growth, learning, and most crucially, embracing change fearlessly, no matter what. It’s about refining what you excel at and stretching into uncharted territories.
In doing so, you’re not only elevating yourself but also indirectly uplifting those around you.

Embracing Self-Discovery and Acceptance

Embarking on the journey of self-improvement requires an essential starting point:
understanding the very source from which everything stems — you.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it?

Yet, finding answers to questions like ‘Who are you?’ and ‘What defines you?’ isn’t a walk in the park. And we’re not talking about the straightforward replies like ‘I’m a human’ and ‘I enjoy games.’

Sure, those might hold true (I’m in the same boat!), but we’re a multi-faceted bunch. We’re woven from numerous threads, our interests and identities a splendid tapestry.

Investing time and attention into this process is a worthy endeavor. Unraveling the layers of ‘who you are’ and ‘what you stand for’ unveils a broader perspective of both your inner essence and the outer world. It reveals our strengths and weaknesses, urging us to embrace them all without bias.

Celebrate your shining attributes wholeheartedly, while approaching your shortcomings with gentle understanding. Sincerely accepting yourself as you are laying the foundation for unbiased self-evaluation. It helps you discern, with a clear head, what’s ripe for improvement, what deserves continuation, and what’s best left behind.

Aiming High

Once we’ve got a grip on who we truly are, things start getting clearer. We can figure out where we want to head, who we want to become, what we want to do, and how we can make our future brighter.

But here’s the deal — it’s just the beginning. While we’re on this journey of getting better, the path won’t always be straight. There will be unexpected obstacles, urgent matters, and detours along the way. And you know what? That’s completely okay. Life’s like that. No matter how much we plan or dream big, surprises are inevitable.

That’s where our ‘big goal’ comes in. It’s like a guiding light, helping us steer through life’s storms. It’s the anchor that keeps us going, even when things get tough.

Believing in yourselves and really wanting to achieve that goal is what kickstarts the process. Our brain then becomes a GPS, finding ways to reach that goal.

These ways are our plans. Plans come in different shapes and sizes, and yeah, the farther ahead, the trickier they might get.
But does it really matter?

Plans are like maps. They tell us where to go. Sure, some points might change, and new ones might pop up, but either way, we keep moving toward our goal.

Overcoming Stress and Self-Negativity

When we’ve got our plan ready and set, the journey toward a brighter future kicks off.

But here’s the scoop — the path won’t be a cakewalk. Starting something fresh often means things won’t click right away, not on the first attempt, not even on the hundredth. It’s vital to brace yourself and understand that this is part and parcel of the ride.

A lot of negative thoughts may swoop in when our early attempts hit snags. We tend to turn hard on ourselves, berating and bashing ourselves. It’s a natural impulse, driven by the urge to escape discomfort and head back to the comfort zone — that zone we’ve known all our lives. So, the question pops up — is it really worth it? Should we just stick to the status quo?

Guess what? This is the plotline of the process. Expecting hiccups, mishaps, and bloopers should be part of the game plan. In fact, Murphy’s Law often decides to drop by — anything that can go wrong, well, it tends to go wrong. But don’t halt.

Sometimes, treating yourself like a little kid learning something new is the trick. We don’t scold toddlers when they take their wobbly first steps, right?

So why do it to ourselves when we embark on new endeavors?

Offer yourself understanding and kindness, even if your impulse is to pick a fight. Remember, you didn’t pop into this world loaded with knowledge and skills, you gather them slowly as you go along.

Just keep this in mind, and most importantly, give yourself a good dose of self-love.

Cultivating Self-Love and Growth

Loving yourself isn’t about falling into negative narcissism.

It’s about being your own cheerleader when things get tough.
It’s about embracing self-love during moments of happiness and as you take those first steps toward your dreams.
It’s about cherishing the path you’ve chosen for yourself.

Especially that path — because, believe it or not, the journey is as precious as the destination. No matter how grand your goal is, falling in love with the process of achieving it is the secret sauce. It’s about feeling the pulse of life all around, embracing the changes you’ve set in motion, and cherishing every bit of it.

All these remarkable people who sparked the inspiration for this article — they all share these notions. They’re all pushing toward a brighter future. No matter how tough the going gets, they maintain self-love and, most crucially, a deep affection for the journey they’re crafting.

I hope that this article fuels your journey too.
Remember, never give up. March on toward your dreams, and above all, shower yourself with love, no matter what.

Success is in your cards, friend.

See you!



Mykola-Bohdan Vynnytskyi

Data Engineer by day. YouTuber, author, and creator of courses by night. Passionate about Big Data and self-development.