5 Useful Tips to Pass AWS Developer Associate

A simple roadmap to help you get the certification

Mykola-Bohdan Vynnytskyi
4 min readApr 8, 2023
Photo by Sunrise King on Unsplash

Recently I took the AWS Developer Associate exam. Preparation for which, like the exam itself, was quite stressful for me.

I read a lot of resources on how to prepare for the exam, and what resources to use, but all the articles and videos were mostly clickbait with information that can be found on the official Amazon website.
Therefore, I decided to follow my own path, which led me to the fact that the exam was successfully passed and useful information was received, which I already use in my professional life.

In this article, I have highlighted 5 useful tips for making your preparation and the exam as easy as possible.

Let’s get started)

1. Prepare the resources you will use to study

To prepare for the exam, as well as to familiarize yourself with AWS technologies, one course is enough, which will guide you through everything you need and also test your knowledge.

There are many such courses, but I liked the course from Stephane Maarek the most, which perfectly explains the material and builds a good foundation for your professional growth.

But in addition to the knowledge itself, you also need to have a trained eye for tricky questions that will come up on the exam. Sometimes some questions are very veiled and one word can contribute to the whole answer.

But luckily, you can find great practice tests on Udemy that 1) test your knowledge 2) train your eye 😅

One of these tests, from the above-mentioned Stephane Maarek, perfectly helps to prepare for the real exam.

One problem with these tests is that they are fairly easy and not as complicated as the real exam, but they really test what you know and what you still need to learn.

That’s why I advise you to take other tests from another excellent specialist Neal Davis. They are more difficult, but after them, I was much more confident in passing the exam.

The idea behind these tests is quite simple. You need to take the tests, then read the answers and go through them again until you have about 90% of the answers correct.

Believe it really helps to gain confidence in your knowledge and acquire certain triggers for questions that have already been encountered.

2. Make a list of what you need to know

When you learn a lot of different information, you need to somehow organize it in your head, some people just make lists in their heads, and some people write them down, I belong to the second group 😅

Here is my list of what you need to know to pass the exam. The main thing is not to be afraid of its length, it is not as scary as it seems:

  1. IAM
  2. EC2
  3. ELB
  4. ASG
  5. RDS
  6. Aurora
  7. Athena
  8. ElasticCache
  9. Route 53
  10. VPC
  11. S3
  12. AWS CLI
  13. AWS SDK
  14. CloudFront
  15. ECS
  16. ECR
  17. Fargate
  18. CloudFormation
  19. Elastic Beanstalk
  20. CodeCommit
  21. CodePipeline
  22. CodeBuild
  23. CodeDeploy
  24. CloudWatch
  25. X-Ray
  26. CloudTrail
  27. SQS
  28. SNS
  29. SES
  30. Kinesis
  31. Lambda
  32. DynamoDB
  33. API Gateway
  34. SAM
  35. CDK
  36. Cognito
  37. Step Functions
  38. AppSync
  39. KMS
  40. SSM Parameter Store

If you know what is behind these names, and how these technologies work, then everything is great.

3. Determine the date of the exam

I know it sounds silly, but really, determine the date of passing the exam, so you will create a deadline that will help you not to procrastinate and focus on studying.

Setting deadlines is important for most of our goals, without this we can stretch the implementation of plans as far as our imagination will allow us.

4. Get everything ready before the exam

Before the exam, you must prepare, and check the camera, microphone, table, everything under the table, everything above it, and everything you can reach at arm’s length.

While I was preparing for the exam, I found so many things that I thought were lost forever 😂

In fact, you need to understand that you should not have anything that can contribute to certain cheating, no notebooks, additional monitors, and headphones with microphones. Just you and the computer, that’s really enough, you’ve read up to this point, and I believe you’ll succeed💛

5. Believe in yourself

The most important tip.

Believe in yourself while you are preparing. No matter how difficult it is, many have succeeded and you will definitely succeed.

Believe in yourself while you’re taking the exam. Halfway through I thought I’d already failed the test, but I actually scored almost 900, so I’m sure you’ll do even better.

Believe in yourself after passing. The next 3 days were extremely stressful because of the uncertainty, but remember that you prepared and invested a lot of time to get this knowledge, which means that it was not in vain.


I am sure that these few tips will help you successfully obtain certification and make a significant boost in your career.

Thank you for reading this article, subscribe and clap, there will be many more interesting articles soon 😉

Good luck in preparing and passing the exam.
I believe that you will succeed. 🙏

See you!



Mykola-Bohdan Vynnytskyi

Data Engineer by day. YouTuber, author, and creator of courses by night. Passionate about Big Data and self-development.